Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where were you the blizzard of 2011?

The blizzard of 2011- the Dell team arrived on Monday at our home away from home, in McHenry, Illinois. The snow started on Tuesday and didn't let up until we had 22 inches. A few had snow blowing into their rooms at the hotel, no restuarants, the roads were closed. But most of us had gone grocery shopping on arrival. Wednesday was spent working from the hotel, with limited internet access. Good thing most of us had air cards!.

Conditions at home were as bad if not worse with ice and power outage- so I decided to stay. Found out from a co-workers, that the Winter Festival was going on in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, about 32 miles away. I have been here before and love it!

This was a real treat to see the Winter Fest Ice Sculpting contest. I didn't hang around to find out who the winners were but I am sure they had a hard time making a decision.

Enjoy the pictures and check out the details for Lake Geneva Winter Fest at

Winter Fest-Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Ice Sculptures at Lake Geneva

Sculpting teams from as far away as Alaska

Ice Fishing on Lake Geneva

Junior category of ice sculptures

Ice Fishing-a lot of these huts were more than 1/4 mile out from the shore.
Snow mobiles and a tent serving brats - all in fun, on the ice