Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26 - Our Last Day

The day started out stormy, so we went to breakfast then drove into Savannah for our last look at the grand city.  By the time we got there it was sunny and 70 degrees--Yes!!

First stop was St. John the Baptist Catholic church.  This church rivals any I have seen in Europe and most specifically Italy. 

More beautiful sites of downtown Savannah

Ok, I have been here a week and did not get ANY seafood until today. Reading the guest book at Island Retreat I found that everyone recommended "The Crab Shack".  Right at the north entrance of Tybee Island along a waterway is this really funky, weathered restaurant with lots and lots of character. Bo- this is your type of place!

Thank you Georgia-- this was a great vacation!

Check it out --

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24- Merry Christmas Eve

Back to Savannah today-walked up and down River Street until 3pm then we boarded the River Queen for a fabulous tour, dinner and entertainment up and down the Savannah River


December 23, 2012 Downtown Savannah

Spent the day touring Savannah. We first took the trolley tour and disembarked a couple of times to enjoy the sites and savor the history. I have made a conscience decision to return if only to photograph the architecture and homes. My only disappointment was that Juliet Gordon Low's home was closed and major exterior renovation was going on. At the last stop of the trolley tour was the old Savannah Rail Station and Round House.
We ended the day with reservations at "The Lady and Her Sons" Paula Deens restaurant-Oh my gosh good!

We took the trolley above but wanted to take the the one below!

This is a door between Paula Deens gift shop and restaurant--I have already forwarned Dave-I want one- he needs to get his welder tuned.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 3 - December 22, 2012 Ft. Pulaski

After the Light House we drove on to Ft. Pulaski- a Civil war fort that was held by the confederates and taken by the Union- with not a gun fired.

This was like stepping into a civil war or an english war movie- the fort is well maintained and was built with an entire 8 foot moat around it.  Rifle slots in the wall- cannons on the lower and upper levels facing the sea.  It was amazing!

Check it out at: