Sunday, July 13, 2008

Los Altos Arts and Wine Festival

Yellow Springs street fair has nothin on the Los Altos Art and Wine festival. Oh my- the art work was awsome! I have spent a lot of weekends at street fair, also, on Virginia Beach- this surpasses them all in art and the local wines? Well, you all know how I like the wines!!
Did I spend money? You bet-- Cameryn can't wait until you get your Christmas present. Oh yeah, your birthday was last weekend---I can wait-- well maybe.

This guy was awsome! His name is Mark Maxwell-- yes I bought 2 of his Cd's and got one free! Me and about 4 other women standing at the booth. Wow! Listening to it now as I post this blog--ok , feelin fine! He plays sax and yes, he played as the IPOD was wowing the crowd. While I was standing there the shop across the way sent him over some perks! Check him out at Oh yeah!

Friday, July 11, 2008

July 5, Cameryn's 3rd Birthday

This year we celebrated Cameryn's 3rd birthday at the home of Bo and Maire Bauman's, grandparents to our beautiful granddaughter. What a great day! All the Bauman's, Uncle Boat, and grandma and grandpa Shoults. Lunch was served, Cam and Luka's favorite--Hot Dogs!

Daddy lit the fireworks to celebrate the 4th and the "Big 3"

Grandma Bauman has all the great toys for kids! Cam loves the water.
Let me go mommy! I can swim

Present time for the Princess!

Check out the sparkly shoes!
This little girl got 4 pairs of shoes for her birthday-- you go girl!
And she got "Her Girls" a Barbie and Kelly, Barbie Mermaid and minature Sleeping Beauty and her Prince Charming. Of course the "Girls" went everywhere with her.
All ready for the new school year with a pleated plaid skirt and cute pink shirt. If you haven't guessed, everything was pink and sparkly! Cousin Gabe was a big help with the gifts. Uncle Boat, grandma K, mommy, and Aunt Angie having fun watching
Soooo many presents! Cousin Lucas watching-- his is next!

Breakfast with the Bauman s

Ended the weekend with breakfast at Bob Evans with my favorite people ( minus 3).

Cam and grandpa possing with silly faces.
Now that's better.

The sights of San Jose

Decided to take a train ride from Los Altos to San Jose one Sunday---just for lunch. 23 minute ride, no parking hassles, no crowds, no stop and go on the highway.
It was just plain fun!

Old train stations have been revitalized- updated and modern, but when you get inside, well it looks like it did 40 years ago. It was a nice change to see- something old that has survived and is still in use.
Walked about a mile to San Pedro square. Like other towns in Northern California, quaint with great restaurants.
Ate lunch at the Tied House- they have their own micro-brewery. It was good
( not outstanding, but good)
Walking back to the train station was some modern sculpture at the HP Pavillion.

Hey Matt!

Guess who is going to be in San Jose?