Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wine Country Tour to Napa

On Saturday, the 23rd I went to downtown San Fran and boarded a Wine Country tour bus from the ferry building to Napa. Rode across the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time, saw Robert Mondavi winery and the Francis Ford Copolla winery along the way. It was an all day event that included lunch and wine tasting at 4 different wineries.

V . Sattui Winery was fabulous. This is where we had lunch as well as some great tastings.

The Robert Mondivi winery. Bought in 1972 for 1 million, sold in 2007 for 1 billion.
Took a double decker catamaran from Vallejo back to SFO Ferry building.
Another perfect day

Domaine Chandon Winery

Domain Chandon is known for their sparkling wines. At this location we took a tour inside of the winery itself. You will notice the stainless and oak tanks. It all depends on the flavor that the vinter is looking for. It was such an educational day.

Domaine Chandon also is known for its 5 star restaurant and the resident artists.

Mario Andretti Winery

This location was my absolute favorite- for 2 reasons. 1. Growing up in Indy the 500 race is always a big event. I went to time trials every year when I was in high school and to the race, once. The year was 1969, the year I graduated from high school and the winner was Mario Andretti in his sleek black car.
Mario bought the winery in 1996- the only building was this 4 car garage- he took it as an omen. The house was built around 1997 to look like an "Old" villa in Tuscany. The setting was peaceful and quaint.

Grapes and Roses

Every winery grows roses as companion plants. In addition to the beauty there is a reason. If there is going to be a soil or insect problem, roses will show signs of damage first. This gives the vinters a chance to correct the problem before the grapes are affected. Today, there are more modern methods of acknowledging a problem but the tradition continues of the beauty.

Chardonay grapes at Andretti Winery

Merlot grapes at Andretti Winery

Birthday Celebration in Norfolk

Flew to Norfok, on the 18th to continue the August birthday tradition! We celebrated at the Algonquin with good food and good friends. Birthdays were Dianah, Grace and myself. I was told several times that my apartment was still available!

Saying Goodbye

On my last day in Norfolk, I had lunch with my Perot Staff at Sentara and then Monday night we to the Quilt Group. Thank you everyone for the welcome back and Paula- Your pound cake was wonderful!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coastal drive to Big Sur

Took a road trip today, down the famous Highway 1. First- to Candy, Don, Judy, and Bo I apologize. Pebble Beach was on the route, so I thought I would stop and get a picture of the famous golf course-----NOT! You pull off Highway 1 and unless you are a resident you have to pay! So, take my word for it- I saw the road sign, pulled in and promptly turned around. Sorry guys.
It was quite foggy in the morning going down, so you coulnd't see too much of the ocean. On the drive, I was off of the "Del Monte" parkway and the "Dole" farms. Even saw some ranches where the cattle were grazing in grassy land right next to the Pacific. What a sight.

This is the Big Sur river running through my destination of the day, the Andrew Molera State Park. Upon arriving at the park, you take a leisurely 1 mile hike that takes you right out to the ocean. My research indicated that it is one of the most beautiful points and I have to agree.

I spent a couple of hours just enjoying the sun and the view.

This gull decided I was his best friend for the day. He never left my sight and stayed about a foot away from me. I was sorry I didn't have anything to give him.

This was taken along the coast going back north. Another perfect day.

Lunch at Rocky Point

Had lunch at this fabulous restaurant called Rocky Point, north of Big Sur. Right on the cliffs of the ocean off of California scenic highway 1. The view was fabulous.

The waitress was kind enough to take my picture. Yup, I was there!

Carmel By the Sea

What a great place! The best part was this great gallery I stepped into. The Wyland gallery. Wyalnd is all about whales and water. For those of you in Norfolk-- the "Whaling Wall" downtown was painted by him back in the 90's. Norfolk mural was # 47. He is now on "Whaling Wall" # 100, to be completed in Bejing for the Olympics. See his website at

Hiking Misty Mountain

Brian, Valerie, Mark, and Megan came up to Misty Mountain for the first time to vacation with us for the week. We had such a wonderful time. Euchre every night, reading, eating well, and just enjoying nature and the mountain.
We took "the hike" around the property. A lot of ups and downs and just enjoying the scenery.

Yes, some parts are strenuous, so resting was part of the trip. A good work-out was accomplished, especially the last climb up the driveway!

We found 3 turtles this time around.

Mark and Megan found, sanded, and polyurethene'd their own walking sticks for the adventure.

Come back soon Jordan's! We enjoyed our time together.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A "Wet" day at Dollywood

Aren't the two "Chicks" cute?

Every ride we went on we got soaked! But we were smart enough to wear our bathing suit tops under our clothes. What a great place, Dollywood is located in Pigeon Forge and yes, we heard Dolly singing and saw her tour bus, but no Dolly Parton in site. It was a great day.

So Brian, what was the look?

Of course I had my eyes closed- but the horse was quilted, so I just had to stand by it.

Dollywood has over 30 Bald Eagles and many nests. It was so cool to see them all.

The Jordans enjoy Gatlinburg

After we finished at Dollywood, we went into Gatlinburg. For Micheala's birthday, I gave her and Megan a treat at the Go Kart's. Micheala has no fear and Miss Megan will be a very good, cautious driver.

Speed Demon!

Mark and Owen, "drove" the video games.

Sammy And Critters

We had Bill and Anita over for dinner the last night of the Jordan's stay. After dinner, Anita was sitting in the rocking chair on the porch and looked out the side and said "Isn't that a snake climing the tree?" Sure enough, we guess the snake to have been at least 6 ft. long, climbing up the tree!. When Dave, Brian, and Megan got close they noticed a snake skin up on one of the branches, and a hole in the tree itself. So this must be home for our resident friend.

He resides at a tree just on the other side of my apple trees and blueberry bush. My hope is that he keeps the other critters away from the fruit. Oh, by the way, Dave has named him Sammie.

We are blessed with many creatures of the night. This beautiful moth landed close to our outside light.