Took a road trip today, down the famous Highway 1. First- to Candy, Don, Judy, and Bo I apologize. Pebble Beach was on the route, so I thought I would stop and get a picture of the famous golf course-----NOT! You pull off Highway 1 and unless you are a resident you have to pay! So, take my word for it- I saw the road sign, pulled in and promptly turned around. Sorry guys.
This is the Big Sur river running through my destination of the day, the Andrew Molera State Park. Upon arriving at the park, you take a leisurely 1 mile hike that takes you right out to the ocean. My research indicated that it is one of the most beautiful points and I have to agree.
This gull decided I was his best friend for the day. He never left my sight and stayed about a foot away from me. I was sorry I didn't have anything to give him.
This was taken along the coast going back north. Another perfect day.