Sunday, February 1, 2009

Muir Woods National Monument

Went to Muir Woods National Monument on Saturday.
This forest was named in honor of John Muir, an explorer and naturalist who was one of the earliest environmental activists.
The land was donated in 1908 to the nation from William and Elizabeth Kent.

The land has Redwoods, Sequoia's, monster ferns and very large clover.
I took a 4 mile hike, which took me along the main trail, up (literally) the Ben Johnson trail and then across the Dipsea trail.
Dave had bought me a retractable walking stick for Christmas- that was the bomb!
I am so glad I had it, especially for the "UP" climb.

Although you can not see it here very well, at the "V" in the mountain,
you could see the Pacific Ocean.

Rain is badly needed here, and this is the rainy season, with less than normal rain fall but
it was wonderful to have such a beautiful day.
To lean more about Muir Woods go to