Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hakon Japanese Gardens

Welcome to Hakone Japanese Gardens
Hakone Gardens is located in Saratoga, California. Only about 25 miles from Palo Alto, going west off of I-280. Saratoga, is one of those charming, old California towns that is full of beauty and wonderful places to eat. In addition, there are several wineries. I did stop at one today, at the top of the Big Basin mountain range called Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyard. Don't let the "Estate" in the name fool you. It is a working vineyard with stables and a 91 year old resident vinter by the name of George. Rather ironic- while I was there they were preparing a case of their wine to send to Virginia.

It was another beautiful day in California

Did you know that bamboo grows in differen colors? Black, yellow and different shade of green.

Ending with a look at the tranquil pond