Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dayton Dragons night with my guys and girls

Had a great evening out with my family- we met up at one of our favorites "Dublin Pub" for dinner, the proceeded on to Fifth Third field to watch the Dayton Dragons

Bo and Kelly

Matt and Molly

Take me out to the ball game!

This is the only way to travel to a ball game! We all met at the Redwood city CalTrain station and boarded for a 1 1/2 hour trip to the AT&T baseball park. Literally 2 blocks away! No traffic, no need to find a parking spot, and easy conversation and relaxation.

Hey Cincinnati-- take note!

San Francisco Baseball

Entrance to AT&T Park
What a view!
A great shot of the bay from our seats
Waiting for a home run ball (it never happened)
Waiting in line to enter the park
Left to right: Lori, Char, Debora, Rachel, Armando, Bobette, and Mike

Meet the Team

Jason and Armando
Debora, Lori, and Char
Bobette and Char

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weekend visit with the Bauman's in East Aurora!

Flew to Buffalo on the 29th of May, to spend the weekend with my beautiful granddaughter . On Friday, Cameryn and I went to the Botanical gardens and got to see all kinds of beautiful flowers and plants. Then we went to McDonalds for chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. Yum!!

Friday night we all went to "Welcome to Moe's " (and don't forget the stinky toes!) Then on the way home we stopped at Knox farm and saw Bob the cat, got to pet the pony, and watched the sheep and goats head out to pasture.
Saturday was gymnastics and a trip to the quilt shop.
Sunday, we were all invited to Dom and Laura's for ribs and corn on the cob-- Cameryn's favorite food item!
It was a wonderful weekend-- thanks Bauman's!!! I love you all.

Time with grandma and grandpa

You don't have to ask Cameryn twice if she would like to go to the park-- she is ready at the drop of a hat.
"Grandma, let's go down the bumpy slide"
(Maybe I should go down a few more times on each side to reduce my hips)

Watching tv with grandpa while Sadie Jane keeps watches for the resident chipmunk.

Weekend with Cameryn

Cameryn takes gymnastics every Saturday morning at a local GSA. They have a class for toddlers with their parents. She is a natural! While there she was always looking over her shoulder at the older girls-- just takin it all in.