Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Carson City, Nevada

This weekend I took a road trip-- this time over the mountains into Carson City, Nevada. I met up with a fellow quilter- Helen. Helen hales from Norfolk- which is where I met her. Helen's husband is retired Navy, so Norfolk they left, and Carson City they landed. Along route 88, just east of Stockton, is the fertile grounds for cherry trees. Miles and miles of cherry trees. As luck would have it, I happened at the area at just the right time. Bought some cherries at a road side stand both going and coming back.
Up 88 I watched the temperature guage jump up and down. When I left Los Altos, it was 57, by the time I got up to the top of El Dorado National forest at 8,000 feet it was snowing and 33. Arriving in Carson it was in the low 50's. Same thing happend on the way back only it wasn't so cold at the top-- only 34. But 70 by the time I got back to my apartment.
Yup, see that moutain back there- that's what I came through. Pretty amazing- also a little scary when you see signs that says " No stopping- high avalanche area" or "Pull off to install chains". Good thing it was the end of May and not February!
This is my friend Helen. We hiked behind her home up into the hills. Wow, what views she has. I did not in the least feel guilty about having not worked out for 2 days. I certainly made up for it. Such a joy it was to see all of this.
Well, it is hard to see but there is a "D" on the mountain ahead. It stands for Dayton--no not Ohio, but Nevada. There is also a C for Carson City and a V for Virginia City on the mountains in those areas. This picture was taken from the top of a hill behind Helen's home.

The Colors Of The Desert

They say that after a rain, the desert comes alive with color.
I can tell you this is true. Such beauty and the smell of the sage was delightful.

Virginia City, Nevada- Step back in time

So do you remember watching Bonanza?
Virginia City, a historical town with it's roots in mining.

Mining is a big part of what made this town famous, read the history at the following site:

Virginia City, Nevada

All aboard! The V&T line ran through the town. Trains still run on some of the old tracks.

The view from the city was incredible. As you can see the elevation is quite high.
What a way to recycle your glass bottles and create a "Security" fence at the same time. If you can't tell, the garland is the necks of broken bottles.

Ending the Weekend in Carson City, Nevada

Helen, Hugh and I ate dinner at a lovely little Italian restaurant in Carson City on Saturday night. Oh yes, we look very relaxed and mellow becuase we just came from a soak at a hot springs! Oh yeah------------that was sooooo nice.

Saying good-bye to Hugh and Helen at their lovely home
Their 1 acre backs up to the Bureau of Land Managment acreage behind. What a view! They have told me there are wild horses but they didn't make an appearence this weekend.
So sorry Monday Night quilt group that you weren't with us! We miss you! Kathy and Helen

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Epic Campus in Verona, Wisconsin

The week of May 12, Dave and I flew to Madison, Wisconsin. This week was the first of my Epic training towards my certification. What an amazing campus. This first picture is only 1/2 of the length of Voyager Hall. It is 1/4 mile long - the designers were from Microsoft and Disney. A high tech training center with a Star Wars atmosphere. It was incredible.
They train around 850 people a week! This place is surrounded on all sides by farms. You can imagine your surprise, when you come up over the hill and see this structure in the middle of no where.
In addition to this building there are many more and 3 new buildings and a 4 story underground parking garage in the works.
My next class there is the week of June 3rd. Looking forward to being there again!
Dave had a good time as well - found a train museum and great restaurants for us to eat at.

Monday, May 5, 2008

California- maybe short lived!

On Tuesday, May 6, I interview for the job that I have all ready been hired for!
Don't ask- I will update you later if you don't all ready know.
Oh well, if I don't get the job I all ready have, I will have been able to have seen some great sights!

Stanford Medical Center Gardens

We are now 10 days into the start up of the Epic Electronic Medical Record implementation at Stanford Medical Center. Even though it was a rocky start for me, the project is going well. On Saturday, the 2nd of May I had some time in walking "my rounds of the departments" to stop and view the beauty of the center. The gardens at the hospital campus remind me of Kettering Hospital in Dayton.