Saturday, November 7, 2009

At home on the mountain

Was finally able to get to Misty Mountain after almost a year! What a beautiful fall week.
View from down the hill towards the house.
Took a hike and Rufus thought he would tag along.
Needless to say he slept well that night.
Our friends Candy and Don came over from Johnson City for the day.
It was a lovely day for a hike.

Dave has worked hard on the floor.
Maple, oak, walnut, cherry- it is gorgeous!

St. Pete Beach, Florida

Spent a few days in Florida, following the end of my assignment in California.
I had forgotten what a beautiful beach it is.
Sand is truly white.
While waiting for the sun to go down some energetic guys were making their way down the beach on surf boards paddling lazily down the waters edge.

I have been blessed with seeing some beautiful sunsets.

It was a full moon- dusky sky, palm trees and the moon.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Farewell to SHC- October 2009

Farewell to the best Cadence, CRM, and Nurse Triage Epic team ever!

The Presidio- Walt Disney Family Museum

My last full weekend in the Bay Area- what to do? It was a Saturday, just a little gloomy and the new Walt Disney Family Museum had just opened up on October 1. So off I go on one of my many road trips since being here. The museum was built by Walt Disney's daughter and grandson. It's location is the famous Presidio- old military base located at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was my first time going there and what a magnificiant location! For those of you from Indy and know what they have done to Ft. Benjamin Harrison?- well imagine the update and change and then make it a state park and there you have the Presidio.

The museum is located in one of the old barracks and let me tell you it is true to Disney form with visual interaction, electronics, old 1950's tv's, the model layout for Disney Land and all of Walt's dream, drawings and many many awards all in one location. For Disney buffs and collectors it is a "Must See" location.

You can not take pictures inside- so take my word for it- You gotta see it! for more information go to the museum web site:

For more information on the Presidio, go to:

So this was my last California road trip--what's next?

Day at the Presidio- Fleet Week

I ended the day at the Presidio by walking over to the South Beach area. This weekend happened to be the "Fleet Week". A yearly event that brings in the ships and the planes. Do you know how awesome it is to see the Canadian Snow Birds fly over through the Golden Gate Bridge?

Or how about the Blue Angels fly in formation, not only through the Golden Gate
but right over Alcatraz?

To see more of the action packed weekend go to:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Dave flew out here this month, so today (my one day off) we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I highly recommend a visit- it was absolutely wonderful.

The Secret Life of Seahorses

The Beauty of Jelly fish

Monterey Bay Aquarium cont.

Kelp fields

Where there are trains----------

Cam, this is for you!

Toolin around Nor Cal

Want the best fish basket ever? The "Fishtrap" at Half Moon Bay.
Oh yeah!

Dave drove the Pacific Coast Highway 1 and ran across this light house at Pigeon Point.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July parade in East Aurora

4th of July parade in East Auora!.
It had been chilly and rainy but that didn't stop the small town parade
Nikki, Jim, Adam, Grandma Bauman and little miss Cam
My beautifull girls!

It is a very good thing there were two seats in the wagon-
one for Cam and one for the booty of candy!

Cam's Big Day

Corn hole, water balloons and your very own jump house-
What more could you ask for!

Oh yes, presents! That made it complete.

And a great mommy- there that's what made it a great day!
Daddy, was out in the drive way getting pummeled by water balloons.

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday !

The birthday cake was so cute and tasted as great as it looked!
Cam wanted to know why there were only 4 candles-
I think she finally understood that there was one for each year.

Pizza and birthday cake- that was all they needed!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You know you are in Northern Cal when--------

Your neighbors are common every day household names.
Like Google in Mountain ViewYahoo in Sunnyvale

And, yes I also went to Facebook in Palo Alto. But they don't advertise on the outside of their building on a busy street close to Stanford University. So you just have to take my word for it- they are neighbors!