Monday, May 25, 2009

Last night in Buffalo

A cool evening on our last day in Buffalo. So Jim light a fire in the pit and we made s'more's.
A good ending to a great weekend.

Day at the Buffalo Zoo

Dave and I took Cameryn to the Buffalo Zoo on the 18th. What a perfect Day! The temperature was perfect and all the animals were out
(excpet the Hyenna's- which Cam definitely let you know about).
The brown bears were hilarious- diving into the water holding onto a ball and letting it bounce out from under him.
It was so much fun to watch them.

Eaten by a snake?

Now isn't she the cutest grand daughter ever?

We missed getting a picture of a young elephant who entertained the crowds by doing some housekeeping in his play area. He literally picked up a tire and flung it across the yard and moved huge tree trunks around with his head. ----You had to be there!

Masters Celebration- May 16, 2009

Niiki received her Masters in Business from St. Bonaventures- need I say how very proud I am of her? So to celebrate we went to the Roycroft Inn in East Aurora for a lovely evening of fine food, champagne and desserts.
Our little Cameryn was quite the young lady at such a fine dinner.
Both sets of parents were in attendance- it was nice to have us all together to
celebrate this moment.
Cameryn and Nikki sharing a toast of champage and sparkling apple juice.

Sorry for the light glare but I though this was a great picture of all of us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Visit to Yosemite National Park

One of my long term goals is to visit every National Park in our great country. I am making progress. A couple of years ago it was the Grand Canyon- last weekend it was Yosemite.

Even though it was over cast and rainy it did not stop us from seeing some of the most incredible beauty. Words can not describe the sights and sounds of this breathtaking national park.

Bridal Falls and El Capitan in the background

More Yosemite

Bridal Falls- we started to walk up to it but we saw people coming down that were drenched. We were wet enough from the rain- we didn't need to get soaked and cold.
Regardless of this fact- it was a breath taking sight.

Many places along the route to stop and take in the beauty that is all around.
God sure used his majestic talents in creating this place.

Yosemite continued

If you are in California and wish to see one of the true wonders of the world,
take in Yosemite National Park

Narrow Guage Inn

Our weekend in Yosemite included a stay at a very charming inn called "The Narrow Guage Inn". Each room had a wooden balcony that overlooked the forrest. There was a wonderful stream and path that was behind the inn that made for a nice little walk. The restaurant was full of charm and the continental breakfast was a great way to start your day.

So it was a little chilly and rainy but that didn't stop us from sitting on the porch
enjoying the evening!

Sugar Pine Railroad

Our last day in the Yosemite valley and it so happens that the Yosemite Sugar Pine Railroad was right there on Highway 4. Two Shay locomotives that were purchased from a logging company. Now used for sightseeing into the valley they were work horses at one time.

To see the history of the Sugar Pine Railroad click on this link:

Sugar Pine Railroad

So guess who was in the engine on the way back to the station?
Dave was definitely in his element.

Taking on water for the trip back

The Shay steam locomotive engine is one of 24 left in the world that was made in Lima, Ohio.

Longaberger Basket Weaving

In April, my friend Wendy and I drove up to Frazeysburg, Ohio- to the "Homestead" and experienced the Longaberger basket making for ourselves.
Along the way we happened upon the home office in Newark, Ohio.

Yes, this giant basket is their office. Quite a sight when you are traveling down the highway and come upon a multi-story basket.

We had a great teacher- a 27 year employee of Longaberger, that got us going on creating our own baskets. She was with us all the way and signed our completed baskets at the end.
If you are ever in the Columbus, Ohio area take the short trip over.
It is well worth it.

Showing off our well made baskets-it was a wonderful day.

After the basket making, we drove into Dresden, Ohio. A cute town dedicated to Longaberger- found in every shop in town. Need a liner for your bakset?
Check out Dresden, if it's not there it doesn't exist.