Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vacation 2010- Colorado

Vacation 2010- one of the best ever! We flew into Albuquerque, New Mexico and spend the night in Farmington- about 40 miles from the Colorado border. From there we drove to Durango and took the Durango-Silverton narrow guage train up the Rockies, following the Animas River. What a fabulour trip! It was all day and the scenery was breathtaking.

Animas River

The train trip from Durango to Silverton followed the Animas River from an elevation of 8,000 to 10,000 feet. The landscape was plentiful in waterfalls, wildlife, and serene majesty.

You can get an idea as to how close the train was to the edge of the mountain!
There were several times when I could not look down.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Durango -- Iron Horse Bike Race

Day 2 of our vacation was spent in Durango, Colorado. We just happened to be there the same weekend as the world renown "Iron Horse Bike Races". Seriously, people come from all over the country and outside of this country for the races. It was exciting seeing folks from age 7 - 80 racing. On Saturday, there was a "Race the Train". Our train ride to Silverton was met by bicycle racers that rode 49 miles UP to Silverton. Many were on our train ride back to Durango.

Durango Brewing company- they were closed on Sunday but I did try the beer- yum!

Outdoor sports stores all around- get your gear and and get in gear!

God's Canvas of Southwest Colorado

Colorado is such a variance of landscapes. From red rock mountains to beautiful lakes and trees.
Enjoy the versatility of Southwest Colorado

Mancos Lake Dude Ranch- The place

For a great vacation I highly recommend Mancos Lake Dude Ranch. A fabulous location in southwest Colorado. The ranch includes everything outdoors that you could want. Fabulous food and lots of it. An endless cookie jar and healthy drinks. Horseback riding, fresh air, fantastic staff and a great place to be as couples or with your kids. Check it out at

Mancos Lake Dude Ranch- The Staff

What a great staff at the ranch- They certainly make your stay worthwhile and so much fun!

Head Wrangelers: Justin and Sarah
Owner: Ernie Noia

Fabulous meals- the last night, um prime rib!

The fantastic cook and his staff!
Keeping the place working is Larry in the back on the right

Carolyn and Ernie on the right.
Sarah on the left

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mancos Lake Ranch Guest Rodeo

Thursday morning was the final Guest Rodeo. All the staff and guests participated.
Dave, Joan and I were the cheering squad in the stands.
"Go Classy Lasses"

Team Penning-- final winners were Team Arizona (in other words, the men beat the women)

The kids got to brand this steer with paint after the staff got him roped

What's a rodeo without clowns!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Horse Back Riding at Mancos Lake Ranch

We went horse back riding every day that we were at the ranch except Friday.
The rides were progressively longer.

Dave on CB

Kathy with Gizmo

Mesa Verde

On Friday, we drove 6 miles from the ranch to the Mesa Verde National Park. As we are big park fans this was high on our list of places to visit. This is the type of place that will bring tears to your eyes. Incredible- the Pueblo's were engineers of construction and science without a piece of paper to prove it.

Mesa Verde National Park
Mesa Verde, Spanish for green table, offers a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo people who made it their home for over 700 years, from A.D. 600 to A.D. 1300. Today, the park protects over 4,000 known archeological sites, including 600 cliff dwellings. These sites are some of the most notable and best preserved in the United States.

Cliff Terrace

Yes, we climbed a 32 foot ladder to enter the Balcony House

Spruce Tree
I highly recommend that if ever given the chance that you should visit our national parks here in the U.S. You won't every be disappointed.